Here's what I think.
After having listened to most of your tunes in a row (I'm a big fan of this site's small but rich collection of amateur dubstep and am still in the process of sifting through it), I can definitely say that your songs are...kinda boring.
I don't mean to be a dick, and it's probably just personal taste, but there are so many places where the beat could really kick in and you could start to go from ethereal background to in-your-face asskickery, but you either choose not to or it doesn't occur to you to do so. It's very strange.
You do some pretty amazing things melodically, but I find this song and most of your others to be similarly unexciting.
I hope this is the worst review that you get, because I can tell you're a talented composer, but all the places you don't visit with your music are the places I'd like to hear you go. I hope your taste and mine align at some point, because I'm going to keep checking back with you. :)